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Aluminium Foil Balls

My pride and joy.

What are they?

They're balls of aluminium foil.

What are their uses?

They are very versatile, and can be used for many things: paperweight, (bad) door stopper, toy, weapon, and aluminium foil storage, to name a few.

My history with them

My first meeting with aluminium foil was in the first standard. Like most moms, mine would wrap sandwiches and other assorted foodstuffs in the material. Like most kids, I would crumple it and play with it. But my interest went further. In my eyes, the purity of the aluminium was marred by the air in it, so I tried to bang all the air out of it. I ended up with a slightly denser, smaller ball. I couldn't compress it any further with my hands, but I wanted more density. My 10 year-old self's solution: More foil. So I added more foil, the source of which was the leftover from packed lunches. This also meant there were a lot of tiny pieces of food in the ball. I often wondered what would happen to them. Was there enough oxygen for it to decompose? The only way to find out would be to slice a ball open, and I'm not that heartless. Slowly but surely, it increased in size. One day, when washing it(a regular practice by then) to give it some shine, I found that it no longer floated to the top after submerging: it sank! This was the start of a new age of  ball-making. I made ball after ball. One day, I had a radical idea: an aluminum foil cube! Sadly, it turned out to be unsustainable. The cube's edges easily crumpled, making it look like a sphube, or maybe a cere.

I was just imitating other people, right?

Nope. When I started this, there was no trend. Years later, I learnt that other people had this idea as well, but they used polishers on them and stuff, while my balls are 100% organic (wink, wink).

How many do I have now?

Only one. I think I made at least five, but I don't have them any more.

What are people's reactions to them?

I've seen a variety of reactions. There's the interested-for-5-seconds, the so-what-if-it's-an-aluminium-foil-ball, and worst of all, the there's-no-way-this-is-aluminium-foil. Some extreme cases of the last type even tried to peel away the top layer to see what was 'really' underneath.

What is the point of this post?

There is none.

Did I just upload the same post on Blogger and Medium and link them to each other for SEO?


I do know that no one cares about this, right?


Why am I questioning myself?

I like talking.

So no more questions, then?



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