What is my blog? First of all, it's a blog, and so has most of the characteristics of most other blogs: it's available online, not very well written, and kind of pointless. It is different in that it does not target a niche, or really any sort of audience, is of no obvious value to anyone, and does not try to convince people otherwise. I don't know how many posts I'll write, or what they'll be about. I intend to write regularly, and about topics I find interesting, but I have been known to be fickle when it comes to hobbies. To be fair to it, it's not meant to be good. I only started it to have a reason to write regularly, after all. It does not have a theme, let alone a niche theme. I might decide to write about movies one day, and then songs a week later. I don't promote it, and I haven't told anybody except my girlfriend, because, well, she's my girlfriend. What is it for? Primarily, it’s for my writing practice and am...