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FAQ About My Blog

What is my blog?

First of all, it's a blog, and so has most of the characteristics of most other blogs: it's available online, not very well written, and kind of pointless. It is different in that it does not target a niche, or really any sort of audience, is of no obvious value to anyone, and does not try to convince people otherwise. 

I don't know how many posts I'll write, or what they'll be about. I intend to write regularly, and about topics I find interesting, but I have been known to be fickle when it comes to hobbies.

To be fair to it, it's not meant to be good. I only started it to have a reason to write regularly, after all. It does not have a theme, let alone a niche theme. I might decide to write about movies one day, and then songs a week later.

I don't promote it, and I haven't told anybody except my girlfriend, because, well, she's my girlfriend.

What is it for?

Primarily, it’s for my writing practice and amusement, and to have something to cringe at in later years. It might amuse you as well, but don't worry, that's a happy coincidence and nothing else.

Why should you read it?

You might find it fun.

Why shouldn't you read it?

1. I don't have any prior writing experience (I don't think even this counts).
2. You might not find any of my posts interesting.
3. I'm sure you have better ways of using your time.
4. I don't use lists often.

Why would anybody do something like this?

I realize that it is counter-productive to write a blog that does not target a niche, does not have buzzwords in its name, and does not try to get back-links to raise its rankings on Google, if you count reaching a big audience as being productive. But some part of me wants to see how much attention it will get if it does not try to grab it.

Plus, it gives me a reason to write. I might not become a writer, but I would like to be a person who writes, even one who writes blog posts.


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